Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Rant A Rave & A Few Thoughts

So I logged off the computer pretty early last night in hopes that I'd get up for work on time this morning.Before calling it a night I decided the shirt I wanted to wear needed to be washed. I put it in the washer and set the alarm so I could get up to put it in the dryer. So the alarm goes off and I hit the off button... not even attempting to get up and put the shirt in the dryer... However I don't realize this until the next alarm goes off @ 6:30am and I the shirt is wet. I jump out the bed almost step on the dog and run to the dryer... place the shirt in the dryer and run to the shower. Once in the shower and realizing my shirt is in the dryer I think I have a few extra minutes... I don't but I sit my nekkid ass on the bed anyhow and watch some Greys Anatomy. It dawns on me that the shirt I am wearing calls for a special eye shadow due to the boldness of the shirt. Once again I am jumping up off the bed barely Spunk... rummaging through the makeup cases in search of the MAC palette that has the color. I find the color and commence to putting my make up on. Suddenly it hits me to look at the clock. It's 7:48 and I need to be in the car by 8 to get to work by 9:30 still not the time I wanted to be at work but def beats 10:00. I finish the other eye and grab the shirt out of the dryer. By this time I am in boy shorts a bra and sliding on my slacks. I grab the shirt and thank God that it doesn't need to be ironed.

Making my way out the door.. Finally working on being on time. Jump in the car and see I left the sunroof slightly cracked. UGH the leather seats are cold as hell... I hit the button to warm them up and ball out the parking lot only be halted by the woman with the horrible wig in the Cadillac slowly easing through the development. She obviously is on time while I'm running late and praying for an accident so I don't lie when I walk through the door and say it was an accident that had me in traffic. No such luck just a gang of slow Sunday drivers.

Any who I'm moving along down the beltway decided to listen to the radio for the first time in forever AINT CRAP ON... back to the CD's Anthony Hamilton is crooning about the point of it all and I'm feeling it now Chrisette is telling us how she's ok and I hit the repeat the button cause ole girl is getting it in.

I get to work after an hour and 15 minutes of Chrisette and Anthony preparing me for the day ahead.

I get to the office and this MOFO is driving thru the GARAGE like it
s the Indy EFFIN 500 and almost hits my baby head on I stop dead in the middle of the garage and take minute to collect myself to ensure I don't jump out and commence to beat the brakes of him and his broke ass FORD...
I begin to blare Anthony again and pull into my space... Now I'm here and already ready to slap a hoe such is the way of my everyday life and guess what it's on 11:50 surely I'm gonna have more...


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