Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Splenda Bitches & Negativity

Good Morning,

This morning I reflect on a convo rather a series of convo's I have recently had with a few very, very close Friends of mine. The details and topic of the convo's led me to title this blog respectively titled Splenda Bitches & Negativity.
I started a few months back calling fake and artificial women Splenda Bitches cause they are simply ARTIFICIAL and/or FAKE.

I have encountered many women in life very few do I call friends. I can count on both hands with fingers left over just how many women I consider to be my friends. The reason for that is the many times I have been burned, abused, used and let down many women in my life. I learned at a very young age every person that enters your life with a smile and an offer is not a friend.
It often amazes me how many women come into your life with ill intentions. I am reminded of a situation with a very dear friend of mine. While dealing with a certain "woman" it became apparent that the person in question was not her friend. As with many relationships as women we often have on horse blinders when dealing with people. The people in our inner circle sometimes are fully aware and more inclined to see what is going on that we can't see due to the blinders. With tha being said it hurt me to heart to realize my friends friendship, kindness and devotion was being taken for granted and misused for another's personal gain, that I realized eventually would be the personal FALL of my friend. I constantly informed her: " you are too nice", to which she often smiled... why? Because the heffa is too nice LOL.
I realize most people think I am unapproachable, a bitch, mean, selfish, self centered and the list goes on, the thing is I no longer care... Wow you may say: she really is a cold bitch. No I am not. I realize that rather you like me or not means nothing. Why? Because even if I change everything about me to be what you like you will still not like me. I have no problem with people not liking me cause in most cases I don't like people. But you will have a common respect for me and every entity of me.
With that being said my friend was being disrespected yet with blinders on it did not appear as such to her for a while. When the wolf snatched off the sheep's clothing it became apparent my friends best interest was not a matter the wolf concerned herself with. It was all about self even it meant alienating her from any and everything.
My Friend who I consider to be a real woman beyond the shadow of a doubt was unfortunately put in a position to deal with SPLENDA BITCHES who bought her nothing but negativity.

While she is not fake or artificial she was damn sure putting Splenda in her Coffee. See you let these people into your world and into your heart and before you know it the negativity and bullshit they bring is coursing through your veins, your are breathing in their shit and for a brief moment in time their shit smells like roses. If not handled quick enough you become a Splenda bitch. Thankfully my friend was able to see just what was happening and the poison this person was attempting to pump into her blood stream. It's like a virus or Cancer it starts in one place and if untreated or aggressive enough it SPREADS to the entire body sometimes causing organ failure and/or death.
My friend now sweetens her coffee with PURE SUGAR I am thankful for such because thanks to her being a friend to me I too use PURE SUGAR.

If there are Splenda Bitches in your life bringing nothing but negativity, pain, distance and unhappiness pour out that coffee today and start new. And yes Men can be SPLENDA BITCHES too.

Till Next Time.


♥ BlkButterfly